Our vision

We want the best for TIN communities in the UK and around the world.

We won’t rest until every single person in UK TIN communities has the clothes they need to feel comfortable, safe and free.

We'll also support global initiatives to do the same.


The TIN Wardrobe mission

We help to free gender expression by distributing free clothing to transgender, intersex and non-binary (TIN) people across the UK.


Building a queer wardrobe

Discovering that you’re trans, intersex or non-binary can happen at any point in life.

Whilst in no way universal, most who experience this discovery want to socially transition. They want to change their clothing, habits and behaviours so that they feel more closely aligned to and perceived as another gender. 

This tends to mean that they realise that they are uncomfortable with the clothes they already have, and need to get a whole new wardrobe. This can be an expensive process, out of reach of many. Those unable to change their clothing can feel trapped.

The good news is: thousands of TIN people out there have wardrobes they no longer need. 

Through our donations, we help to move those clothes to where they’re needed, so that no-one feels trapped by their budget.

Your stories

Free clothes for TIN communities

TIN people often experience discrimination in their day-to-day lives, whether at or looking for work, in the housing market or otherwise. So, we’re more likely to live with poor finances or in poverty.

In this context, self-expression can feel like a secondary concern, but living as a gender you cannot escape can have a real impact on mental health. The danger of revealing your TIN identity and inaccessible local shops only serve to make this worse. That’s where the TIN Wardrobe can help.

Sustainable clothing use

By helping to rehome unwanted clothes, we don’t just help TIN communities to find their self-expression. We also help to keep textiles out of landfill and reduce the need for desperate people to use fast fashion.

In future, we hope to help our communities to mend their existing clothes and make new clothes to suit them. We’re also looking at ways to best recycle our deadstock, so that the clothes that no-one wants can still be used for everyone’s benefit.

Supporting our users

When you’re looking to change gender expression, it’s likely that there are many services that can help with different elements. We always try to signpost our users to other quality resources that can help.

We are also looking for local and national partnerships with other charities, projects and community groups to broaden our support for LGBTQIA+ communities.

Finally, we aim to act as an example of true mutual aid, supporting our communities to self-organise and fight for the outcomes we all deserve.

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