Sponsor a package

Each package costs on average £5 to send.

The TIN Wardrobe sends parcels to UK trans, intersex and non-binary people in need. To keep this service sustainable, we need to cover the postage costs, but some can't cover that cost.

No-one should be trapped by their budget. Every single donated penny goes to postage, storage and making our service accessible to more people.

Your donation helps to free gender expression across the UK.

Each parcel costs on average £5 to send.

Set up a regular donation

If you can afford to help regularly, you can subscribe to our Patreon.

Sponsor one, two or three packages per month and make someone happy with the gift of gender expression!

Subscribe now

We need your help.

Every year, we rely on the generosity of hundreds of donors to get much-needed clothes to desperate people around the UK.

Every single penny goes to stocking and posting clothes, as well as telling others about the service. 

Sponsor a package today.